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About Library

Discover the Pardubice Regional Library – where history meets the future.


Make the most of the Pardubice Regional Library – all our services in one place.

For Libraries

Všechny cesty k dokonalé knihovně začínají zde.


or U Vokolků Library Centre – the charm of the past combined with the energy of a modern library.


Price List

Whether you're looking for prices for borrowing books, accessing digital materials or attending our educational courses, our price list will give you all the information you need.

On this page you will find a complete Price List of our services, whether it is for borrowing books, accessing digital materials, participating in our cultural and educational events, etc. With prices and fees clearly listed, you can easily plan your use of our services and always keep track of your own costs. We aim to provide you with transparent and easily accessible information for your convenience and efficient use of our services.

Basic registration fee (valid for 12 months unless otherwise stated)
Adults120 CZK
Children, seniors, people holding ZTP60 CZK 
Children holding ZTP20 CZK
Shared reader’s card KK + UK120 CZK
Shared reader’s card KK + Pardubice Municipal libraries – adults120 CZK
Shared KK + Pardubice Municipal libraries reader’s card – seniors, children60 CZK
Family registration (parents and their children under the age of 15)240 CZK
Family registration (single parent and their children up to 15 years old)120 CZK
Legal person300 CZK
Registration for the visually impairedfree of charge
Registration for the reading room ( attendance services only)40 CZK
One-time registration (for 1 month, 1 time per year)30 CZK
One-time entry (attendance services only)10 CZK
Gift voucherregistration price depends on the status of the reader 
Other fees
Reservation10 CZK
Literature search service (fee upon request)100 CZK
Literature search service (fee for 1 record)2 CZK
Purchase of CD/DVD10 CZK
Covering of books, scripts12 CZK
Interlibrary Loan Service (MVS)
National – postage and packing 70 CZK (for 1 loan) 
International (Europe except UK)250 CZK
International (UK and non-European countries)450 CZK
Copies of the text priced by the sending library
Lending audio, audiovisual media, tablets, e-book readers, electronic pencils
Cassette tapesfree of charge
CDs, DVDs – Music Departmentfree of charge
DVD – film free of charge
Cassette tapes, CDs for the visually impaired users free of charge
E-book readersdeposit 1 000 CZK
Albi electronic pencilfree of charge
Multimedia, video cassettes (only in attendance) —————— 
Reprographic services – print, copy
Black and white 
A4 one-sided2 CZK
A4 double-sided3 CZK
A3 one-sided3 CZK
A3 double-sided4 CZK
A4 one-sided10 CZK
A4 double-sided15 CZK
A3 one-sided15 CZK
A3 double-sided30 CZK
Unregistered readers from the 31st minute  0,50 CZK per min. 
Registered readers free of charge
Wifi free of charge
Delay fees (non-compliance with the borrowing deadline)
Non-Fiction, Fiction, Reading Room and Children’s Department  
1 document (book, magazine, audio document, playful backpack, board game, electronic pencil) and 1 working day2 CZK
 1 document (DVD-film) and 1 working day  5 CZK
Study room 
1 document (tablet, e-book reader) and 1 working day20 CZK
Music Department   
 1 document (book, music book, magazine) and 1 working day 2 CZK
 1 document (audio – MK, CD) and 1 working day5 CZK

The library does not have to notify you in writing if you do not meet the borrowing deadline. 

Compensation in the case of damage
Damage to barcode5 CZK
Damage to packaging (CD, MK, DVD)                                                    10 CZK
Damage to a tablet, e-readersee Annex No. 4 of the Library Rules
Damage to a document or packaging – the extent will be assessed by the head of the department, minimum20 CZK
Damage to an electronic pencil (pencil remains functional, changes in appearance) – scope to be assessed by the head of department, minimum20 CZK
Damage to electronic pencil – pencil is not functional purchase price
Compensation for losses
Books and music materialspurchase price + 200 CZK
Magazinespurchase price
Audio and audiovisual media (CD, MK, DVD)purchase price + 100 CZK
Playful backpacks, board gamespurchase price + 100 CZK
Outdoor and board games (remote workplace)purchase price
Electronic resource as a magazine supplement50 % of purchase price
Electronic resource as a supplement to a book 50 % of purchase price
Reader’s card (issuing a duplicate)30 CZK
Tablet, E-readersee Annex No. 4 of the Library Rules
Electronic pencil purchase price
Loss of locker key40 CZK
Loss of a red backpack with the library logo 50 CZK
Price list of cultural and educational events 

All events are held in Czech unless specified otherwise.

“Akademie volného času” 
1 cycle (5 lectures)  200 CZK
individual entrance fee50 CZK
“Hezky česky” 
annual cycle450 CZK
individual entrance fee 50 CZK 
Sewing workshop “Šijme” (individual entrance fee) 50 CZK
Workshop “Ateliér textil” (individual entrance fee) 150 CZK
Workshop “Studio VOKO” (spring cycle)1 650 CZK
Workshop “Studio VOKO” (autumn cycle)1050 CZK
Discussions by category: a) full admission b) full admission c) full admission d) discounted admission (disabled persons and cooperating organizations) a) 100 CZK b) 70 CZK c) 30 CZK d) 50 % of full price
Bookstart (BS) – Singing exercise for parents with children 
Children up to 1 year registered for BS30 CZK/lecture
Children 1-3 years subscribed for 3 months50 CZK/lecture
Single admission60 CZK/lecture
Leisure activities 
The Dungeons and Dragons (promotion of reading) – semi-annual participation fee500 CZK
Drama club – tuition fee for 1 school year1500 CZK
Movie screenings – “minikino” (individual entrance fee)20 CZK
Robotics – children’s club (individual entry fee – child + accompanying person; 90 minutes) 50 CZK
Sale of publications issued by Pardubice Regional Library 
Karla Jará a kol. – “Všední život na  Pardubicku v  období nacistické okupace a druhé světové války” 250 CZK
Sale of items promoting the main activity of Pardubice Regional Library
Bag with library logo              50 CZK
Red backpack with library logo50 CZK
Bag printed/stamped20 CZK
Tourist journal50 CZK
Tourist card “U Vokolků Library Centre”15 CZK
Tourist card “Pardubice Regional Library”15 CZK
Photosticker “Kryštof Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic” 15 CZK
Photosticker “Svatý Jan Nepomucký”15 CZK
Photosticker “Svatý Budovec z Budova”15 CZK
Wooden tourist stamp “Vilém II. z Pernštejna” 40 CZK
Paper fan20 CZK
Yellow A6 block, securing tape – Renaissance55 CZK
Black A6 block, securing tape – Renaissance55 CZK
Black A5 block, unlined – Renaissance75 CZK
A6 block, lined, text70 CZK
Lanyard30 CZK
Book “Páni z Pernštejna”215 CZK
Paper Bethlehem80 CZK
Beverage vending machine 
Grounded coffee                   20 CZK
Instant coffee15 CZK
Coffee – employees 5 CZK

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