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Saami Fairy Tales and Legends in Illustrations by Luboš Drtina

27. 08. 2024 - 6. 10. 2024
9:00 - 18:00 hod.
Staircase of the library

The exhibition presents two informative panels and 12 large-format panels with illustrations by the artist Luboš Drtina, which accompany the Czech edition of the book by the Norwegian philologist and teacher of the Sami language Just Knud Ovigstad O muži, který si koupil svědění, translated by Viola Somogyi and Zdeněk Lyčka. The Pardubice Regional Library is very pleased to present this exhibition, which has already toured many European institutions.

The illustrator Luboš Drtina is engaged in book and magazine editing, illustration, poster design, exhibition displays, author’s books, CD editing and free graphic design. Since 1990 he has been designing book adaptations and illustrations for a number of publishing houses (Pražská imaginace, ERM, Eminent, Thyrsus, Paseka, Volvox Globator, Knihcentrum, Franz Kafka Publishing House, Mladá fronta, Akropolis, Academia, Argo and others).

Poster for the event:

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