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About Library

Discover the Pardubice Regional Library – where history meets the future.


Make the most of the Pardubice Regional Library – all our services in one place.

For Libraries

Všechny cesty k dokonalé knihovně začínají zde.


or U Vokolků Library Centre – the charm of the past combined with the energy of a modern library.


Contact Details


Pernštýnské náměstí 77
Pardubice 530 94

Telephone & e-mail

Telephone exchange: 466 531 240
E-mail: dotazy@kkpce.cz

Send a message


Krajská knihovna v Pardubicích, příspěvková organizace Pardubického kraje
Pernštýnské náměstí 77
Pardubice 530 94

IČ: 00085219
DIČ: Nejsme plátci DPH

Bank account number: 19-2385560277/0100 Komerční banka a.s. Pardubice
Data Box: smy2css

Where to find us
Plan your journey to us!

How to reach us
by public transport?

The best way to get to the library is to take any bus that stops at the Náměstí Republiky stop. After getting off the bus, walk through the Zelená brána (The Green Gate – Renaissance tower) to Pernštýnské náměstí. The library is on your left, the main entrance is from the square.

Information for people
with disabilities

We are wheelchair accessible

All areas of the Pardubice Regional Library’s main building on Pernštýnské náměstí are wheelchair accessible. If necessary, you can use the lift or the wheelchair platform. We have walking frames, dioptric glasses and other aids for rent. In the Information Department you can use a special computer for the visually impaired and blind with voice output. Staff are on hand to assist if required. The library has services for people with special needs, both musculoskeletal, blind, deaf and mentally handicapped. We have a special library collection for these purposes.

All events organised by the library are marked with pictograms indicating their accessibility.

Are you looking for the house U Pštrosa?

One of the houses (No. 78) in Pernštýnské náměstí, which now houses the Pardubice Regional Library, used to be known as U Pštrosa (The Ostrich House).

Learn more!

Are you looking for the house U Zlatého Beránka?

One of the houses (No. 79) in Pernštýnské náměstí, which today houses the Pardubice Regional Library, is also known as U Zlatého Beránka.

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