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About Library

Discover the Pardubice Regional Library – where history meets the future.


Make the most of the Pardubice Regional Library – all our services in one place.

For Libraries

Všechny cesty k dokonalé knihovně začínají zde.


or U Vokolků Library Centre – the charm of the past combined with the energy of a modern library.



Make the most of the Pardubice Regional Library – all our services in one place.

Children and Teenagers +

We have something for everyone, whether you are a parent of a toddler, a school child or a teenager.

Adults and Students +

What services can registered users use? Study rooms, audiobooks, reading, research and databases.

For People with Disabilities

Information for readers with disabilities. Sound library, compensatory aids, fund for the hearing impaired.

For the Elderly

Information and activities for the elderly – education, culture, leisure.

Everything about Lending +

All information about lending and returning books.


Databáze dostupné čtenářům Krajské knihovny v Pardubicích.

Library Registration

Become a reader of the Pardubice Regional Library!


Terms of use of library computer technology, internet and Wi-Fi.

Interlibrary Lending Service

Information on lending from other libraries.

Electronic Document Delivery (EDD)

Electronic ordering of copies within the service EDD Získej.

E-Books and E-Audiobooks

A guide to e-book borrowing.

Digital Libraries

Gain access to the Digital Library Kramerius and Out of Commerce Works.


How to return books to biblioboxes and where to find them?

Recommended Literature

Tips for interesting reading.

Open Educational Resources

Educational materials that you can study from anywhere.


Sign up for our news and updates from the library to make sure you don't miss out on anything!

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