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About Library

Discover the Pardubice Regional Library – where history meets the future.


Make the most of the Pardubice Regional Library – all our services in one place.

For Libraries

Všechny cesty k dokonalé knihovně začínají zde.


or U Vokolků Library Centre – the charm of the past combined with the energy of a modern library.


Electronic Document Delivery (EDD)

We provide our readers with an EDD service where it is possible to order copies of monographs or periodicals. You can request a copy online and after the order is processed, an electronic copy will be sent to your e-mail address.

The Electronic Document Delivery (EDD Získej) service enables registered readers to obtain an electronic copy of a printed resource (book, periodical), usually in PDF format. The service can be used as part of the interlibrary lending service.

  • For monographs, copies of up to 20 pages may be requested.
  • Copies of periodicals can be made up to 1 article.
  • Registration at the Pardubice Regional Library is required to use the service.
  • The document must be located in one of the libraries participating in the Získej service, availability can be verified at knihovny.cz.
  • When creating an order, a preliminary price of the copy is calculated, the final price is determined after the electronic copy is made.
  • Obtaining a copy is dependent on payment in the Získej system.
  • Copies are labelled with a security feature for the protection of copyright holders.
  • It is prohibited to alter or remove the protective element or to change the format of the electronic copy.
  • The procedure for ordering copies within the EDD Získej service can be found here.

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