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For Libraries

Všechny cesty k dokonalé knihovně začínají zde.


or U Vokolků Library Centre – the charm of the past combined with the energy of a modern library.


Everything about Lending

Pardubice Regional Library offers different types of loans to its readers. You can find books, magazines, newspapers, audiobooks, e-books, maps and other types of documents. In selected departments we can also lend you reading glasses.

Most of the books can be found in the section of Non-fiction (1st floor) and Fiction Depatrments (2nd floor). In addition to books, you can also borrow maps, audiobooks and films (DVDs).

In the Reading Room you will find a large selection of newspapers and magazines, including daily press. Selected magazines can be borrowed and read from the comfort of your home.

The library’s collection also includes documents which can be borrowed as attendance loan, which mean you can study only in our library.

Types of Loans

  • Absentee loans – these are documents that can be borrowed at home
  • Attendance loans – documents intended for study in Study Rooms only
  • One-time loan – for non-registered readers (check out our Price List)

Number of Borrowed Documents

Outside the building, readers may have simultaneous borrowed:

  • Non-fiction – 10 books, 5 audio recordings, 3 DVD films
  • Fiction – 10 books, 5 audio recordings, 3 DVD films
  • Reading Room – 26 magazines
  • Children’s Department – 10 books, 5 audio documentaries, 3 DVD films, 10 magazines, 1 board game, 1 playful backpack, 1 Albi pencil, 2 Albi books
  • Music Department – 10 books and sheet music, 10 audio documents, 10 magazines

Lending Period

  • 31 days – books, maps, audiobooks (CD), e-books, special fund for the people with visual impairments and hearing impairments, e-book readers, board games, playful backpacks, Albi pencils and Albi books
  • 14 days – magazines, DVD films, cassette tapes and CDs

Extension of Loans

  • The loan period can be repeatedly extended – for a maximum of 3 months from the first loan.
  • The extension can be done online in the reader’s account, by e-mail, by phone or in person.
  • Extension is not possible if another reader has reserved the item.
  • Renewal is also not possible if the reader has a financial claim to the library.
  • The loan period for magazines cannot be extended.

Exceeded Loan Period

  • If the reader exceeds the lending period, they will be charged a late fee according to the valid Price List.
  • The library sends reminder letters to the reader at predetermined times.

Book Reservations, Book Orders, Depository Request

  • Titles that are currently on loan can be reserved in the on-line catalogue, by email, by phone or in person.
  • Reservation is charged according to the valid Price List.
  • In addition to reservations for loaned items, it is also possible to order available documents from a free selection of lending libraries at no additional charge.
  • Reservations for borrowed books and orders from the collection can be picked up at the reception, books are ready to be collected within 7 working days.
  • Documents from the Ohrazenice Depository can be ordered in the online catalogue, by e-mail, by phone or in person (no charge).
  • The depository is usually visited every Tuesday and the books are ready for collection on the next working day at the reception.

How do I find the title I want?

  • You can search for a book, magazine, audiobook, etc. from home using our online catalogue.
  • In the library you will find user computers with access to our on-line catalogue.
  • The library staff will also be happy to help you with your search.

Non-fiction Department (1. floor)

  • To find books in the library, you need to know the mark (e.g. 615) and the signature (e.g. 268.713).
  • You can find this information in the online library catalogue.
  • First find the correct mark and then look up the signature (in ascending order).
  • Book news are located next to the elevator.
  • Books with a location “Dospělí-věž” must be requested from the library staff.

Fiction Department (2. floor)

  • To search for books in the library, you need to know what category the book belongs to (listed in the catalogue as a building sign, e.g. science fiction, plays, school reading, etc.).
  • You also need to know the first 3 letters of the author’s surname and the signature (e.g. 136.855) or the title of the book.
  • You can find this information in the library’s online catalogue.
  • Find the appropriate category in the department, search for the author by initial letters (alphabetical order) and find the book by signature (ascending order) or title.
  • Books with the location “Dospělí-sklad-věž” or “Dospělí-beletrie-chodba” must be requested from the library staff.

Reading Room (ground floor)

  • Please ask for a specific magazine directly from the library staff.
  • Magazines and newspapers available for free loan are for attendance only.
  • You can check availability in the online library catalogue or with the library staff.

Children’s Department (building to the right of the entrance, 1. floor)

  • In the catalogue all documents belonging to the Children’s Department are marked as M (youth). Then you need to know what category the book belongs to (listed in the catalogue as “stavěcí znak”).
  • Fairy tales, rhymes, green-stripe books, Albi books and playful backpacks are in the section for younger readers.
  • Poetry, adventure, fiction, fiction for girls, comics, educational literature and board games are in the section for older children and teenagers.
  • You also need to know the first 3 letters of the author’s surname or the title of the book.
  • You can find this information in the library’s online catalogue.
  • Find the appropriate category in the department, search for the author by initial letters (alphabetical order) and find the book by signature (ascending order) or title.

Lending and Returning

  • Titles are borrowed from the library staff in each department.
  • Reserved and ordered documents are picked up at the reception.
  • Books can be returned at the reception, to the relevant department or to the biblioboxes.
  • Other types of borrowing should be returned to the relevant department or to the reception.

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