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About Library

Discover the Pardubice Regional Library – where history meets the future.


Make the most of the Pardubice Regional Library – all our services in one place.

For Libraries

Všechny cesty k dokonalé knihovně začínají zde.


or U Vokolků Library Centre – the charm of the past combined with the energy of a modern library.


Library Registration

Hello, and welcome to our library! We're so happy you're here. If you're looking for information about registration, pre-registration or library cards, we've got you covered.

If you’re looking for information about registration, pre-registration or library cards, we’ve got you covered. As a registered user, you have access to a wide range of library services. You can register at the reception desk when you enter the library, or you can pre-register online. Thanks so much for your interest in our library!

New Reader Registration

  • Registration is quick and easy, and it’s done right at the entrance hall, at the reception.
  • All you need is a valid ID, to fill out a quick form, and to pay the annual fee, which you can find on our current Price List.
  • If you’re under 15, just get a parent or legal guardian to sign the form.
  • Registration lasts for 12 months, and then you can just renew it.


The library allows visitors to pre-register from the comfort of their own home. Pre-registration must be completed within 3 months by physically visiting the library and paying the registration fee.

  • Pre-registration is for new readers only.
  • You can pre-register on our website.
  • A pre-registered user gains access to a reader’s account and can use the reservation service.
  • Pre-registration must be completed by a personal visit to the library reception (within 3 months at the latest) and payment of the registration fee (Price List).
  • Once registration is complete, the new reader will have access to all library services, including absentee borrowing.

Family Registration

  • Family registration is designed for members of one family, and we’re happy to offer a discounted fee (you can find it in the Price List).

Legal Person Registration

  • We’re delighted to welcome legal persons as registered readers! You can become one under the same conditions as other interested parties.
  • Just head to the reception desk to register.
  • All you need to do is fill in the application form, place the request for service in the hands of the representative, and submit a valid proof of the existence of the legal entity.
  • Next you have to pay the annual fee, which you can find on our Price List.

Types of Registration

We have a few different options of registration for you to choose from. We’ve made it really easy for you to find all the fees you need to know about in our Price List.

  • Reader’s card of Pardubice Regional Library.
  • Shared reader’s card of Pardubice Regional Library and Pardubice Municipal Libraries (Doubravice, Dubina, Dukla, Hostovice, Nemošice, Ohrazenice, Pardubičky, Polabiny, Rosice nad Labem, Staré Čívice a Svítkov).
  • Shared reader’s card of Pardubice Regional Library + University Library UPCE (issued for readers over 15 years old).

Reader’s Card

  • Once you’ve completed the registration process, you’ll receive your reader’s card, which you’ll then sign.
  • If you’re using a shared card with other libraries, don’t worry! You’ll simply keep proof of payment and present the card to the libraries you’d like to use.
  • Your card will be valid for 12 months, and it will automatically be extended if you pay the registration fee.
  • If you happen to lose your reader’s card, don’t fret! You can easily get a new one at the library reception for just 30 CZK.

Registration Extension

  • You can extent your registeration in person at the reception, and we accept cash or credit cards.
  • You can also pay the registration fee online in your reader’s account.

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